Week 9
I personally think music has always had a lot of leeway in our society. For instance, if a child were to be listening to a song with curse words in it and was singing along, it wouldn't be viewed as bad since "it was in the song". People say what they want in music, and the First Amendment is to thank for that.
Personally, I don't agree with younger children listening to certain types of music/songs. Albums with the "Parental Advisory Explicit Content" labels should be avoided by children.
As for an instance in which I have tried to protect someone from music corrupting influences, I would definitely say it was when I use to babysit. I babysat quite a bit in high school as a senior and there were many incidences when I had to take the child's age into consideration and make my best judgment on if I think they should be listening to certain music. Of course, if their parents allowed them to, I wouldn't mind it since they're the boss, but if for some reason I thought the child was doing it behind the parents back or in a sneaky manner, I would confront them or the parents.
For example, one time I was babysitting a 12-year-old boy and his little sister who was 6. The 12-year-old boy was fine to listen to certain songs his parents OK'd but they made it clear that he couldn't bring the music around his little sister and could use headphones only. One day, he started blaring a Kendrick Lamar song around his little sister out of rebelliousness and tried to force her to listen to it. Of course, this didn't make me very happy since his parents had strict rules about his music and he was purposefully breaking them. I quickly turned off the music and made him call his parents to explain what he did.
At this moment I was trying to protect the little girl and respect her parent's rules that I was supposed to regulate. I love all music and think that it is a great way that artists can get their feelings and words across but there are just some songs and words that children shouldn't be exposed to at a young age.
This wasn't the only time I've had to protect young children from hearing words they shouldn't yet be exposed to, but in this certain situation, I just found it a little bratty for the 12-year-old boy to go against his parent's wishes just to be rebellious.
Many parents do get offended by songs and lyrics that are being put out there and have to be very cautious about what they are letting their kids listen to or what is on the radio.
For example, this video of a Christian mom crying over a Rap song that came over the radio: LINK
When people ask me what my favorite genre of music is, it is really hard for me to answer. I love all types of different songs with different feelings. Usually, if I like a song I just like it, not because of what genre it is. I love anything from dance/electronic to alternative to RB&B to hip-hop to electropop to even some country songs... As you can see, it is very difficult for me to choose a specific genre since I am all over the place.
As for my top 5 favorite artists, I would have to go with Rihanna, Billie Eilish, Two Feet, Halsey and Khalid. Of course, I have MANY MANY more favorites, but for now, those are in the top!
Singer Website Links:
Billie Eilish (Top Left)
Rihanna (Top Right)
Khalid (Middle Left)
Halsey (Middle Right)
Two Feet (Bottom Left)
I think many people would like the idea of a campus radio. It could advertise things that are happening around the campus as well as important dates and information. The only problem I have with this is the fact that there are thousands of students attending Linn-Benton all with different tastes in music. Those creating the radio would have to take that into consideration so it would be very hard to accommodate everyone and everyone's likes/taste. I personally don't think it would get many listeners due to many people either not liking the music it plays or simply not listening to the radio and having their own playlists ready for them on things such as AppleMusic and Spotify. The campus would also have to find a way to make it available on phones for earbud use as many students like to listen to music in class and while walking around. I think it is a good idea, but it does not seem feasible or easily do-able for those reasons.
Like I said earlier, if the campus were to pursue the idea of creating a campus radio, they would have to do things that relate to the campus life of Linn-Benton, something that other stations don't do. Listing important dates such as when tuition is due or when to register for classes as well as important things going on around campus to help those attending Linn-Benton stay on track. It would also be important to accomidate to everyones tastes and also have a way to listen to the radio on your phone so in-class and in-hall listening could work effisiantly.
As said before, this radio station may not meet the standards towards everyone's taste. Some people may love country music as some may hate it. Some may love rap and others may think it is trash. It is hard to fit thousands of peoples wants into one radio station, so for this, I don't think we should take everyone's money to fund a campus station. I think the only way this would work is if those who wanted a campus radio pay for it themselves. Something like Spotify, with a monthly or annual fee. The campus radio could also use advertising for funding and have certain ads for things that may help college students such as textbook discounted websites, tutoring, and coupons.
If this were to happen, a lot of time, thought and effort would need to be put into it.
Here are some websites that can help us get started!
Back Bone Radio
Prometheus Radio
College Radio
I personally think music has always had a lot of leeway in our society. For instance, if a child were to be listening to a song with curse words in it and was singing along, it wouldn't be viewed as bad since "it was in the song". People say what they want in music, and the First Amendment is to thank for that.
Personally, I don't agree with younger children listening to certain types of music/songs. Albums with the "Parental Advisory Explicit Content" labels should be avoided by children.
As for an instance in which I have tried to protect someone from music corrupting influences, I would definitely say it was when I use to babysit. I babysat quite a bit in high school as a senior and there were many incidences when I had to take the child's age into consideration and make my best judgment on if I think they should be listening to certain music. Of course, if their parents allowed them to, I wouldn't mind it since they're the boss, but if for some reason I thought the child was doing it behind the parents back or in a sneaky manner, I would confront them or the parents.
For example, one time I was babysitting a 12-year-old boy and his little sister who was 6. The 12-year-old boy was fine to listen to certain songs his parents OK'd but they made it clear that he couldn't bring the music around his little sister and could use headphones only. One day, he started blaring a Kendrick Lamar song around his little sister out of rebelliousness and tried to force her to listen to it. Of course, this didn't make me very happy since his parents had strict rules about his music and he was purposefully breaking them. I quickly turned off the music and made him call his parents to explain what he did.
At this moment I was trying to protect the little girl and respect her parent's rules that I was supposed to regulate. I love all music and think that it is a great way that artists can get their feelings and words across but there are just some songs and words that children shouldn't be exposed to at a young age.
This wasn't the only time I've had to protect young children from hearing words they shouldn't yet be exposed to, but in this certain situation, I just found it a little bratty for the 12-year-old boy to go against his parent's wishes just to be rebellious.
Many parents do get offended by songs and lyrics that are being put out there and have to be very cautious about what they are letting their kids listen to or what is on the radio.
For example, this video of a Christian mom crying over a Rap song that came over the radio: LINK
When people ask me what my favorite genre of music is, it is really hard for me to answer. I love all types of different songs with different feelings. Usually, if I like a song I just like it, not because of what genre it is. I love anything from dance/electronic to alternative to RB&B to hip-hop to electropop to even some country songs... As you can see, it is very difficult for me to choose a specific genre since I am all over the place.
As for my top 5 favorite artists, I would have to go with Rihanna, Billie Eilish, Two Feet, Halsey and Khalid. Of course, I have MANY MANY more favorites, but for now, those are in the top!
Singer Website Links:
Billie Eilish (Top Left)
Rihanna (Top Right)
Khalid (Middle Left)
Halsey (Middle Right)
Two Feet (Bottom Left)
I think many people would like the idea of a campus radio. It could advertise things that are happening around the campus as well as important dates and information. The only problem I have with this is the fact that there are thousands of students attending Linn-Benton all with different tastes in music. Those creating the radio would have to take that into consideration so it would be very hard to accommodate everyone and everyone's likes/taste. I personally don't think it would get many listeners due to many people either not liking the music it plays or simply not listening to the radio and having their own playlists ready for them on things such as AppleMusic and Spotify. The campus would also have to find a way to make it available on phones for earbud use as many students like to listen to music in class and while walking around. I think it is a good idea, but it does not seem feasible or easily do-able for those reasons.
Like I said earlier, if the campus were to pursue the idea of creating a campus radio, they would have to do things that relate to the campus life of Linn-Benton, something that other stations don't do. Listing important dates such as when tuition is due or when to register for classes as well as important things going on around campus to help those attending Linn-Benton stay on track. It would also be important to accomidate to everyones tastes and also have a way to listen to the radio on your phone so in-class and in-hall listening could work effisiantly.
As said before, this radio station may not meet the standards towards everyone's taste. Some people may love country music as some may hate it. Some may love rap and others may think it is trash. It is hard to fit thousands of peoples wants into one radio station, so for this, I don't think we should take everyone's money to fund a campus station. I think the only way this would work is if those who wanted a campus radio pay for it themselves. Something like Spotify, with a monthly or annual fee. The campus radio could also use advertising for funding and have certain ads for things that may help college students such as textbook discounted websites, tutoring, and coupons.
If this were to happen, a lot of time, thought and effort would need to be put into it.
Here are some websites that can help us get started!
Back Bone Radio
Prometheus Radio
College Radio
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